A digital twin is a virtual representation of a real-world ship. It sails in parallel with the actual ship at any time. At the core of the Syroco platform, the digital twin is used for simulation of ship efficiency and performance in a variety of configurations and conditions.

In an era of energy efficiency mandates, emissions reduction and ever increasing uncertainty of energy and carbon prices, the digital twin provides control over all efficiency parameters. It tracks actual and expected performance, helping save fuel, reduce emissions and achieve compliance.
The use of digital twin enables an operator to choose objectives and to let the platform compute an optimised route and speed profile, based on actual and predicted metocean conditions and ship precise behaviour, and recommend a combination of actions (such as engine settings, rudder angle, trim, energy mix, etc.) for real-time voyage optimisation.

The digital twin is built through the assembly of models generated using artificial intelligence and augmented by data. Each model represents the physics-driven behaviour of an element of the ship.
The digital twin is an indistinguishable representation of the ship, and especially of her physics-driven behaviour, in specific conditions.
Generated with AI, models are constantly fed, enriched and recalibrated by real-time operational data (IoT from connected on-board systems, operating conditions, external impactful factors, etc.)
Models included in a digital twin include:
Forces created by interaction of the hull with water, waves and swell
Propulsion forces as well as drag, heeling and leeway caused by wind
Efficiency of the engine (diesel, LNG, hydrogen…), propellers, energy consumption
Drag created by the rudder, stabilisers and other appendices

The digital twin sails in parallel with the actual ship, tracking actual and expected performance. It provides the maximum level of accuracy and control over all efficiency parameters. The digital twin is used any time a user - at sea, in a fleet centre or in a research lab - wishes to evaluate and predict the behaviour of the ship in a given set of conditions, or to compare actual ship response to expected behaviour.
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