Co-innovation by Syroco and Orange Business Services
Wind data predictive analysis is key for the preparation of the world sailing speed record and also feeds Syroco's software platform.
Syroco's Moonshot at the heart of innovation
Syroco, a scientific and technical laboratory, generates innovation through pioneering feats, at the service of the energy transition in the field of maritime transportation. Syroco’s first pioneering feat, addressed as a 'Moonshot', is to challenge the absolute speed record on water propelled by the wind - the WSSR (World Sailing Speed Record). The target of 150 km/h set by Syroco aims not just at improving the record, but at shattering it.
Support from Orange Business Services
As part of the tests of an operational prototype of the speedcraft intended to shatter the record, teams from Syroco and Orange Business Services have begun collecting wind data and analysing it together with navigation speed data, to be able to get the most from wind conditions.
A global digital services company, Orange Business Services leverages its dual expertise as an operator and an integrator, and supports Syroco's ambition by partnering with the startup in this co-innovation project.
“Competing for the sailing speed record requires precise knowledge of wind conditions and shifts, not only at a given moment but also historically,” explains Guillaume Chabas, Business Innovation and Partnerships Director at Orange Business Services. “As part of this collaboration, Syroco provides deep business expertise in wind measurement and the interpretation of analysis results, and Orange Business Services provides resources and skills in the deployment of sensor networks, connectivity thanks in particular to 5G, and data analysis by artificial intelligence algorithms.”
“We are very happy to be able to count on the commitment and support of Orange Business Services,” says Alex Caizergues, CEO and co-founder of Syroco. “Orange Business Services has clearly strong technology expertise, but similar to Syroco the company also carries a pragmatic vision to give the project a scope that goes beyond the sporting record, using innovation generated to create value for the industry, but also for man and the planet.”
A real-time collection environment, an intuitive dashboard
The wind prediction platform is based on 3 components:
- A network of IoT sensors, designed to operate in a rugged outdoor environment (humidity, salt, etc.), are strategically positioned on the body of water to take into account its typology and topography, as well as prediction needs. These sensors are connected to the Orange Cloud thanks to a combination of WiFi and 5G networks.

- The Orange Cloud, which collects sensor data in real time (with a latency of less than 1 second), aggregates the data and applies artificial intelligence algorithms to calculate the required prediction.
- A dashboard, running either on tablet or smartphone, which displays both real-time and historical data, as well as the results of predictions.

Beyond the record, industrial applications
Syroco's ambition reaches far beyond the scope of the moonshot, but aims to identify industrial applications for the innovations it develops. Therefore, the environment for collecting and analysing wind data, result of a joint development by Syroco and Orange Business Services, already fits into projects and services carried out respectively by the two companies:
- Syroco EfficientShip, the ship energy efficiency calculation and simulation platform, based on digital twins of ships and the conditions in which they operate. Understanding wind phenomena and their impact on ship behaviour is an essential element of model accuracy.
- A digitalization and analysis service for natural areas for managers, users and sportsmen, created by Orange Business Services experts in IoT sensors, Cloud and Artificial Intelligence. The sensors, located and connected by Orange, collect atmospheric (wind, temperature, hygrometry, swell, etc.) and natural data in order to deliver an expert analysis of the conditions of use of natural spaces. This service also makes it possible to feed or create a digital map in real time, whether in an app or on a website.
“Syroco's mission is fully aligned with the principles promoted by Orange Business Services, and we are proud to be associated with such a meaningful project,” adds Etienne Robert, Regional Director at Orange Business Services. “Beyond this commitment, our collaboration is also an opportunity for Orange to test and validate our natural space analysis service.”