Region Sud supports Syroco: innovation to stay one COP ahead!
The Region is supporting the startup for the world sailing speed record project, a pioneering achievement.
The sailing speed record, Syroco's moonshot that generates innovation
Syroco, a scientific and technical laboratory, generates innovation through the realisation of pioneering achievements, applied to the energy transition of maritime transportation. The first feat, addressed in a Moonshot approach, is to challenge the absolute speed record on water propelled by the wind - the WSSR (World Sailing Speed Record). The 150 km/h target set by Syroco is not simply meant to improve the record, but to shatter it.
Support for innovation and energy transition in region Sud
Region Sud, in the South of France, is one of the major French regions in terms of research and innovation, a testament to a strong entrepreneurial spirit. In terms of energy transition, it aims to be the first carbon-neutral French region by 2050 and has adopted proactive policies in this domain. It is therefore quite natural that the Region would undertake to support Syroco in their speed record project but above all in the concrete applications deriving from it.
Beyond the record, industrial applications
Syroco's ambitions indeed reach well beyond the speed record, but aims to apply the innovations developed to industrial use. The startup is already marketing Syroco EfficientShip, a platform to compute and simulate the energy efficiency of ships, based on digital twins of ships and the conditions in which they operate. Among the customers of the software platform, Marseille-based CMA CGM is a global player in maritime transportation.