Deep dive on simulation along maritime lines with Syroco EfficientShip
Syroco EfficientShip, the digital twin platform for optimising the performance and energy efficiency of ships, makes it easy to define maritime lines and manage voyages used for simulation. This post explains how maritime lines are used in the platform.
Set up and optimise a voyage, from the bridge
With the Lines Manager, the crew is able to set up, plan and optimise a voyage, directly from the bridge. Set up the voyage and its schedule prior to the departure, and retrieve, while at sea, the real-time optimised route, speed and operating parameters with respect to weather forecasts, schedule constraints and safety limitations. The digital twin approach makes the voyage optimisation accurate and relevant, for each individual ship.
Optimise and validate designs using scenarios
Whether the use case is to explore the design of a newbuild project, or to optimise the energy efficiency of an existing ship, building performance replicas of the ship enables to make the right design decisions.
With the Scenario module, it is made possible to assess the performance and energy efficiency of any project, by running the digital twins of existing or newbuild ships on any maritime line (used today or planned), with actual weather conditions.
The Lines Manager enables to easily create maritime lines by importing historical operational data or generating optimised routes.

Lines in EfficientShip can be created by importing traces of previously realised voyages. This capability allows the replay of passages to analyse and improve performance. It also facilitates the study of ship retrofits, design upgrades and operational profile modifications.
By sweeping a variety of design configurations, operating parameters and schedules, the Scenario feature combined to Lines Manager provides a powerful optimisation tool for exploring and optimising energy efficiency and operational performance of ships.
Explore new maritime line projects
The Lines manager feature also provides assistance for exploring new Maritime Line projects, by virtually testing new legs, new speed profiles and new passages.
Thanks to an embedded multi-objective routing module, Syroco EfficientShip can automatically suggest optimised lines and routings, based on schedule constraints, weather conditions and ship performance. This capability shows its full potential when exploring new maritime lines, newbuild projects or changing operational profiles.