Updated Weather Views in Syroco Live
Combining accurate weather data with high-fidelity digital twins is what makes weather routing in Syroco Live so powerful. Once an optimised route has been generated and is presented to the user, it is key for him to be able to analyse and understand the reasons for the algorithm’s choices, and to get a clear view of the conditions that will be encountered during the voyage. Indeed, the responsibility of accepting and following the route lies with the vessel’s master, and he needs the right tools to make this decision.
The Syroco product team, in close cooperation with the Onwatch team, is constantly engaging with crews to assist them in the operation of Syroco Live and the analysis of routes and voyages. One of the topics frequently discussed during these interactions is the display of weather information on the Syroco Live route map. As a result of this collaborative work, we are happy to unveil a new set of weather layers that are about to be rolled out.
These new weather layers incorporate major changes:
- New sources of weather information, such as ice coverage in the northernmost and southernmost regions.
- Updated color palettes and symbols, that reflect the latest industry standards.
- Cleaner, crisper symbols and maps with improved scale legibility.
Here are some examples of the updated weather displays.
Significant wave height

Wind & pressure


Ice coverage

Precipitations & pressure